AADHIKARonline 1420 GMT Wed 29 Nov 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Muhammad Haque decries British media preference for prostitution of politics

AADHIKARonline with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail, <st1:city><st1:place>London</st1:place></st1:City> <st1:date year="2006" day="29" month="11">Wednesday 29 November 2006</st1:date><o:p></o:p></p> <p class="MsoNormal">Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole Bill’ campaign

The 5th Edition published from London at 1420 Hrs GMT /UK time on Wednesday 29 November 2006

Legal and evidential disclaimer: London Wednesday 29 November 2006
Reporting and commentary exclusively commissioned, written, edited and published by AADHIKARonline coming straight from the centre of the East End of London engaged in the battle to defend the community against multifarious attacks by Big Business, their touts in control of the 'local democratic' council [!], an inept band of opposition on the council and assortment of other 'holders of public post' in the name of the local area

    Today’s publishing programme and schedule

[in this edition]
  • Khoodeelaar! response to London mayor Ken Livingstone's latest lies on Crossrail hole plot

    - the Khoodeelaar! first response to Livingstone's latest stunt [staged in an endless marathon of self-publicity, ego-tripping and hogging the media by daily , hourly abuse by Livingstone of his office as mayor of London] called 'Transport 2025' - here shortly

  • The Muhammad Haque Political Commentary on the role of the racist BBC and by their local ideological lackey and co-perpetrator the East London Idiotiser in fomenting misrepresentation against the people in the East End

    London 1400 Hrs GMT Wednesday 29 November 2006

    Why is the East End of London ill-served by the ‘East London Idiotiser’? The answer is in the fact that the Idiotiser, which is currently reviving its form as the East London Apartheider, is filled with items that are DECIDED by people who do not know the facts that matter, have no real community identify with the people in the East End and whose careers are not really decided by whether they insult the East End, misrepresent the East End or let down the East End. In that combination, the East London Idiotiser has operated for the most part of its editorial existence. At least over the past 50 years. And the fact that it cares little for the East End is shown in the stupid contents which are deliberately steered away from the real issues, the real movements in the area. They create a façade of reporting – which decoration has been particularly noticed for the past 18 months. That façade still fails to hide the essential vacuity of the East London Idiotiser. Hence their idiotic use of the word ‘beautiful’ with their pathetically offensive and inappropriate plug for an element of the BBC's racist imperialist role in a shameless plug at the expense of the democratic, cultural and human rights of the local Bangladeshi community in the Borough of Tower Hamlets …. The depth of stupidity that the Idiotiser had shown when Richard Tidiman was ‘editing it’ was evident in the repeatedly oozing references to Oona King, especially around her alleged sexual allure…. To any decent thinking, rights conscious person the Richard Tidiman –edited East Lon don IDIOTISER’s obsession with the alleged sexual relevance of Oona King would raise this question: what has any sex to do with anyone’s relevance to be in any publicly elected post? Unless of course that post is for the sexual enjoyment of the electorate or of the public? The next question would inevitably logically lead to brothels and pimps… Should a local ‘newspaper’ be willing to play the part of a pimp promoting the sexual highlights of anyone holding any public office? Or should that be the factor that should even be included in any list of priorities or factors about a person's suitability for being considered for public office? What happens after the SEX-centred promotion is allowed to get the person concerned ‘placed past the point’ where they can actually seek or stand for election? Do we then await the kind of revelations that the Tories’ over-hyped ‘ethnic’ and sub-sex-centred ‘candidate’; has been reported as representing? Hang them and flog them is what the alleged ‘Asian’ female candidate allegedly selected in a Tory seat linked with! So where does this take the cause of the Tories? Ort more precisely, the cause of those in the general population who would, accordingly to the presumptions and propaganda associated with the promotion of ethnicity, gender and sex and sexuality, ‘ identify with Priti Patel? Is it now then fact that MOST Patel supporting or Patel-'aroused' [this is used advisedly here] Asians would vote for the Tories, are in favour of the death penalty and of the other sub-fascistic measures that Priti Patel has been reported to identify with? If that is what she actually believes in then how is it that none of the ‘journalists’ [almost all of her promoters appear to be as mesmerised by her alleged asexual allures as is the East London Idiotiser in its promotion of the allegedly beautiful Blue Peter presenter's close relative at the expense of the people of Bethnal green and Bow] cottoned on to her true intentions and ‘thoughts’ and political plans?

    [to be continued]

  • Many of our correspondents often want to know what stage the legal action is now. They appear genuinely interested. Others don’t think that we are taking any legal action. For all of those quarries, we are set to publish longer files on the progress of our legal action programme to ensure that Crsosrail hoel is not dug in the Hanbury Street. The new, extended series begins on Thursday 30 November 2006
  • Khoodeelaar! Court action programme against Crossrail hole Bill backers, pushers, touts and assorted other parasites bribed by Big Business to lie against the East End and to dupe the East End community into allowing the Crossrail hole Bill assault on our community
  • How the lying Guardian under the evil influence of Polly Toynbee carries today another idiotic misinformation piece messing up the identity of the Sylhet language [which is in fact Seelotee] and twisting it as part of Bengali while also inserting the notion of Bangladeshi in there without ever coherently or accurately describing the facts and the lives of the people in the Borough of Tower Hamlets – more here shortly
  • Edited briefs from Khoodeelaar! Supporters and campaigners comments and communications
  • Muhammad Haque daily World Political commentary – Is Tom Duncan right to incite hostile comments against George Galloway? The question is: who on earth is Tom Duncan? Yes, he is the one that has been allegedly editing the Newham ‘local’ papers for five hundred years. As I had said about Quentin Hogg [the father of the same name] 21 years ago, every year that we are faced with the ‘role’ of the immoral and the contradictory, FEELS like several decades long. Tom Duncan is a virulently ignorant and ill informed racist who has been able to ‘edit’ the assortment of idiocies because of the prevalence of a widespread of lowest common denomination running through the allegedly active and the allegedly campaigning groups and outfits in Newham,. Barking and neighbouring parts.. Almost 30 years ago, Tom Duncan was the subject of a campaign which was supported by a number of the then active members of the ‘National Union of Journalists’ because Duncan had published a most offensive and intolerable racist incitement. It is true that I am writing and publishing this comment well before any of George Galloway’s’ current ‘colleagues and associates’ have even heard of the item I am addressing. No doubt by the time they come across it, they will claim credit for spotting Duncan’s attack on Galloway while ‘doing the ordinary browsing’ of the press…. [To be continued].
  • Is the Isle of Dogs [in Tower Hamlets - they owe their presence on Tower Hamlets Coucnil to three key factors: the nascent racism which they can 'carry' under the 'Tory name' which the BNP could not carry under their name in 1993-94, the appearance of being almost genuinely about the East End while in fact capuatlsi9sng on the fact that they are concentrated on the parts of the East End which Big Business has grabbed following Michael Heseltine’s measures in the 1980s when the Isle of Digs was allowed to be made open for the Big Business loot while the Labour Party remained ideologically and politically in a morass that it has not recovered from {which explains Blair's takeover of what sued to be the Labour Party that Heseltine cornered} and the Blairing, immoral and small-minded and corrupt determination to defeat ALL democratic policies and political activism from the Blaired Party, thus making sure that those Blaring candidates who are included in the Blaired Party panel turn out to be as lost and confused and immobilised and aimless as is necessary for the brigade of neo-fascists that seized the Blaired party and who control the Blaired Party in Tower Hamlets now] Tory Councillor Simon Rouse able to back up his alleged accusations against Denise Jones? If he is, how is it that he together with the other five of his co-councillors for the Big Business cause on Tower Hamlets, has stayed silent about Crossrail? Or doesn’t Rouse ever wake up from the permanent moral and political slumber that he exists in despite the most misleading surname he bears? Hasn’t Simon heard of a part of Tower Hamlets that is not the Isle of Dogs? Has he ever been able to conduct a compelled conversation – or has he cared to do one – with anyone in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area? If he ahs, haven’t they told him that on 22 January 2006 at the Brady Centre in Hanbury Street, there was a series of demands passed in a single unanimous motion that I moved at that meeting held to support the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole attack on the community? If he has, what has he done to implement that demand, which was a demand on Tower Hamlets Councillors and on Tower Hamlets Council? If he has not been told about that then how dare he pretend that he represents even a fraction of Opposition to the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council? What another campaign has combined and brought to the fore so many central political, democratic, ethical, social, moral and ethical questions as has the Khoodeelaar! Campaign over the past almost 3 years? Does Simon Rouse stay asleep even to his own ‘party’ spokesperson on transport in the House of Commons? Does he recognise a name called Chris Grayling? Has he had anything to do with talking to Grayling about CrossRail? If he has, has Grayling confirmed to Rouse what the Tory Central office policy is on the CrossRail hole plan against Hanbury Street? If so, why has Simon Rouse been silent?
    [To be continued]
  • Will all those ‘bribed’ agents operating within certain local ‘voluntary’ organisation, whose corrupt and treacherous ‘leaders’ have taken bribe from CrossRail, be ready to face up to the fact that some of them lied earlier this year and throughout the council election campaign and claimed that they were all supporters of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail ?
    [To be continued]
  • Khoodeelaar! Court action programme- continuing demand for disclosure about the £100 million paid to CrossRail by the Government in December 2005
  • Breaking news and commentary

    From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline published on Tuesday 28 November 2006

  • The 7th Edition published from London at 1325 Hrs HGMT /UK time on Tuesday 28 November 2006

      AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole CAMPAIGN

    publication programme on Tuesday 28 November 2006

  • How is the Crossrail hole-backing Tower Hamlets Council paying and rewarding the CrossRail hole-backing Guardian?
    One way is by placing recruitment advertisement in the paper ands on its associated web sites.
    The Guardian news organisation’s web site carries probably more advertisements placed by or on behalf of local councils in the UK than any other news or media outlets in any part of the UK .So persistent is this practice that the revenue considerations have been linked with the very Guardian-type lying and massaging operation that is done by the Guardian 'the news' paper itself. The Guardian's role in corrupting public morals in the UK has been manifestly linked with the advertising revenue that the Guardian gets from local councils. those councils together constitute the most immoral and the most corrupting force in action in the K after the BBC.
    So, when I spotted a new advertisement or a current one, on the Guardian’s web site today in the name of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council, I was less than surprised.
    But the contents of this ad tell the world much more than just about the borough as painted in the ad. They say how brazen are the lies that are told by the controlling clique on that council
    [To be continued]

  • Crass role by the pernicious racist Guardian of the arch fabricator and mental-slaver [she single-handedly has thrust the terrible Commission For Racist Enslavement tool and operative for the racists Trevor Phillips as if Phillips ever had a single, independently identifiable brain cell in his entire being.. and she has crusaded against all manner of Islam, Muslim and morality than could be found within the vocabulary of the evil lying Guardian] Polly Toynbee – It is Polly the Blairing liar who has time and again legitimised the liar Blair, who has time and again sold the Blair les as acceptable ‘good’ things for society… The Evil Polly far from being worthy of being venerated on an objectively established moral platform, should be stripped of all access to all public paid for platforms and media…Why then is she given the huge space in the Guardian? The answer ought to have been provided by the ‘Private Eye’ investigative reports! But then, we are more than 30 years out of date with that kind of expectation. Private Eye died as an investigative organ long long long ago. And it became Private Lies. The result is that on every single issue that matters in social public, societal, constitutional, democratic, moral terms, Private Lie has backed the evil programme fronted by Tony Blair… Private Lie has not taken a stand against Blair on a single issue that matters.
    [To be continued]
  • Crass role for Crossrail hole plan by Murdoch Times giving another craven promotion to ‘the most odious man’ [The Sun, 1980s about ken Livingstone over the then stunt Livingstone had staged in the name of the Irish republicans] now doing the propaganda for Big Business
  • Today’s promotion by Rupert Murdoch’s Times stable is very odd. And not at all odd. Depending on from which angle it is looked at One thing is for sure: the plug for Livingstone is only to enable Big Business – of which Murdoch is a premier, immoral, pimping looting member – yet more excuse to rob the public purse under cover of promoting the West End. Today’s Crass plug for CrossRail is in the name of preventing alleged blight that is affecting the alleged premier shopping street of the ‘nation’. It seems that any excuse is thrown in to aid the unavoidable cause for the CRASSrail plot. Livingstone is now on the verge of using the very same crassly dishonest phrases about the West End that he has used in the past 3 years about the East end as part of his touting job for Big Businesses which wants its hands on billions of Public cash so that it can do the looting … [To be continued]

  • Khoodeelaar! Court claims against Crossrail hole-backers, promoters, pushers - texts
  • How many more instances of the Commission for Racist Enslavement are needed before it is accepted that the CRE was conceived as a Commission for racist enslavement and that it was kept in pro-racist operation for the 25 years or so mainly to prepare the ‘British public’ for a regime of revivalist racist re-enslavement? And how significant is it that on the very day that the racist Tony Blair made his racist effrontery of acting at apologizing for slavery of 200 years ago, the CURRENT, live house-trained mental slave, promoted by the BBC as the ‘chairman’ of the Commission for Racist Enslavement was uttering typical mental slavish immoralities and words of craven criminality, backing today’s racists to ATTACK the humanity of the Muslims?
  • ”The Bag Lady of Bethnal Green’ – part 1
  • Breaking news
  • Christine Gilbert’s crimes against honesty truth and Education
  • The 2nd Edition published from London at 2020 Hrs GMT/UK Time on Monday 27 November 2006

    1. Khoodeelaar! Legal action updates - Claims against CLRL, London mayor Ken Livingstone, Tower Hamlets Councillors named, Christine Gilbert, Owen Whalley and others - updated claims as filed in court this week will be accessible via this news site
    2. How Tower Hamlets Council CREATES poverty daily and why the so-called opposition councillors are playing their part in allowing the Council to continue to cause poverty-
    3. ’Local MP’ George Galloway is showing every sign of getting his disregard of the constituency out of the realms of acceptability, - what Galloway said on Sunday about his ‘Muslim constituents’ - We are waiting for George Galloway to answer some key questions that we put to him earlier today concerning the comments that he made on a radio programme which he apparently hosts on a racist, war-mongering corrupting radio station called TalkSport
    4. Poverty of Polly Toynbee – exclusive AADHIKARonline commentary starts here shortly

    5. Why John McDonell, as a ‘candidate’ for ‘leadership’ was never fit – the Muhammad Haque Political Commentary, to be published in fuller versions later on today [Sunday 26 November 2006], will show just how the corrupt GLC experience also corrupted every single one of the co-GLC members with Ken Lyingstill Livingstone who ‘led’ the GLC after he staged the coup against Andrew McIntosh.
      How even McIntosh himself has been tainted with the same corruption that he was heard to decry during many years after he was ousted by Livingstone [in 1981, within 24 hours of McIntosh’s leading the Labour GLC panel of candidates to victory in May's GLC elections – in 1981] who was aided and abetted in that coup by John McDonell. McDonell shows the utter abysmal limits of his vision when he answers questions about his being too far to the left [an impossibility, given McDonnell’s career] by pleading that he was only supporting what the ‘mayor’ was trying to do! Given that the proposition is supposedly against ken Livingstone's rightward and very anti-democratic and manifestly authoritarian utterances and associations, citing Livingstone as the ‘ideal’ or the 'standard' exposes McDonell as a very naïve and banal and ill-informed ‘contender’ to challenge Gordon Brown. It is a sham candidature as it is a sham politics as it always has been near the centre of 'party powers' in the so-called ‘socialist’ organisation…
      [To be continued]
    6. Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole court action – key points and legal arguments against the Crossrail hole backer Ken Livingstone, updates here
    7. BBC ‘Politics Show’ is bereft of politics when it featured yet another empty and ignorant item about the crisis in transport in the UK and why the Tory Chris Grayling is off the rails when he fails to present a coherent, economically intelligent argument
    8. Why Christine Gilbert’s disgraceful betrayal of the children in the East End must be drawn attention to before she embarks [as the 'new' OFSTED 'chief inspector'] on another phase of her career of lies at the expense of the educational rights of the children and their parents and communities
    9. Another AADHIKARonline world exclusive- Who warned the world against the evil Polly Toynbee of the Guardian – here shortly

    From the previous editions published on Saturday 25 November 2006

    The 4th Edition published from London at 1145 Hrs GMT/UK Time on Saturday 25 November 2006

    Editorial notes for the records
    The sequence and schedule may be overridden by editorial decisions that may have to be taken in light of developing events. The indications of times and dates of forthcoming publications below are subject to alteration and rearrangements at short notice.

      AADHIKARonline London Saturday 25 November 2006

      Contents arranged under topic headings
    1. Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - Campaign events updates and legal action programme latest
    2. Khoodeelaar! Manifesto reports on : The CrossRail hole-backer Tower Hamlets Council, Crossrail hole London mayor, CrossRail hole Greater London Assembly
    3. Looking for evidence of 'representation' of the two constituencies by the two MPs in the name of the people of the Borough of Tower Hamlets
    4. Crassness of the British press, local, regional and 'national'
    5. Review of the BBC - licence payers being robbed and how the BBC is an abuse of all that is ethical
    6. Recording the immorality, the mental slavery and the disgraceful ignorance and backwardness of the 'ethnicity'-linked 'press' and 'media' in the UK
    7. Breaking news

      About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated on Thursday 16 November 2006

    8. AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail

      Publication programme on Saturday 25 November 2006

      1. We know from the 3 years of campaign to get the corrupt clique to listen to the sensible people in the Borough and to drop its collusion with the CrossRail hole promoters that Tower Hamlets Council is controlled by a devious, distorting clique of opportunists, time-servers self-servers and liars. How do we know they are liars? For one thing, they claimed that the campaign that we have been doing against THIER collusion with CrossRail was THEIR campaign! They have shown no sense of self-respect. No sense of dignity when they sought to claim all credit for the Khoodeelaar! campaign’s work against the DIRT hole part of the CrossRail plot. Now in commenting on the latest 'news' generated about itself [the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council] by the degenerate-controlled Council decision-makers, we have to ask this question: Who has shifted Tower Hamlets Council to 'West London'? - More on this shortly
      2. Crossrail-hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council is guilty of fundamental distortion and lying. And just to prove to the world that the Council’s current controlling clique is still being controlled from the background by the same pernicious influence that was responsible for the corrupting deal for Crossrail hole attack on the East End, today, the same clique has created yet another adverse attention to itself. Just like it did less than three weeks ago over the multiply corrupting lie that the borough’s second largest segment of the population was Bengali, rather than Seelotee [Sylhet=Seelot=Seelottee=speaking], so it has done it again this week. Today's Crass controversy drawing attention to the corrupting clique is over the Xmas trees. Just why this Council is being called HOPELESS Council by Khoodeelaar! is more than amply exhibited and analyzed in the evidence of the clique's behaviour. More here shortly

      3. Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign organiser Muhammad Haque tells Denise Jones ['leader', Tower Hamlets Council] Don’t appoint another liar as chief executive in the Council! – More here during the day, Friday 24 November 2006
      4. Khoodeelaar! Open letter to Tower Hopeless Council controlling clique on their latest utterances of lies about being committed to improve the quality of local peoples' lives! How dare the lying clique which has been condemned by years of findings of its abysmal and pathetic performances on schools, on housing, on the environment make an announcement, as it has done today, Friday 24 November 2006, claiming any affinity with the community which it has betrayed, neglected and lied to? The Khoodeelaar! Open letter text will be published including on this AADHIKARonline news site during today Friday 24 November 2006

      5. Khoodeelaar! Legal action claims against CrossRail hole Ken Livingstone – Part 3 of the final claims will be published here during Friday 24 November 2006

      6. Crossrail-hole-backer London mayor Ken Livingstone has been allowed to lie to those targeted by his Big Business colluders by the incredible media platforms that Livingstone has been provided with over the past more than 25 years. How has that been possible? The answer is contained in the London Community Audit Network's audit of political corruption in London, due to be published shortly. It is very rare that Livingstone is actually criticized for the lies he tells and for the abuses of office that he regularly indulges in. So, here is a very rare instance taken from the Ealing, West London-based website. This is most exceptional. The AADHIKARonline commentary will refer to this Ealing-based commentator's condemnation of Livingstone in the afternoon of Friday 24 November 2006. We shall contrast the Ealing critique of con-tricster Ken with the blanket servitude shown to him in the actual 'news coverage' [as opposed to the parasitical pretentious points of lies by Tom Duncan et al in his {Duncan’s} fraudulent page] by the entire collection of lying, local 'papers' across the East End. We shall show how craven the East London Idiotiser ['East London Advertiser’] has been to Lyingstill Livingstone. And how the sick-making duplicator the bogus 'Tower Hamlets Recorder' [owned by the same bunch of immoral ‘newspaper owners’ Archbent who also own the East London Idiotiser] is especially in relation to its routine almost ritualistic plug for Ken the Liar in the so-called transport column by-lined to a so-called reporter called Pat Coughtrey.

      7. Christine’s Confessions! At last! Gilbert has confessed that she had been lying all the time that she was in Tower Hamlets! The Confessions of Christine Gilbert come in the form of her alleged annual report as OFSTED post-holder. Now that too is a lie. But we shall come that at a later stage. For now, the confessions of Christine Gilbert concern the calamitous career she made for herself by lying with, lying for the corrupt clique on the Crossrail-hole-inviting Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique – the detailed examination of Christine’s Confessions will be published here during today Friday 24 November 2006

        The 6th Edition AADHIKAR online published as a wholly educational, non-profit, non-commercial, purely for the advancement of ethics and morality and consideration for a just society and for human rights by the AADHIKAR Media Foundation London UK at 1155 Hrs GMT/UK on Thursday 23 November 2006

        1. The Muhammad Haque Constitutional law commentary on the implications for Khoodeelaar! judicial review application against Ken Livingstone in light of the Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, as published today 23 November 2006 – due here later on today Thursday 23 November 2006

        2. Khoodeelaar! claims against Ken Livingstone, being filed today in the High Court, include these:- That
        3. he has misled the electorate and the community about the true purpose behind Crossrail promotion- which is less to do with meeting any demand for transport facilities as promised to be delivered by Crossrail and more to do with secret interests who want to use the plan to grab hold of public money in huge sums under covers of improving transport
        4. Livingstone has failed to tell the truth about who he has been negotiating with within various local and central government departments – thus keeping the truth of the real costs to communities hidden from the potential payers of the additional council tax and other taxes to make up for the avoidable losses that Livingstone's crazily promoted Crossrail will inflict on the people
        5. failed to disclose the plans, the internal studies and evidence as collected by or via or through the employment at various stages of Bob Kiley and by transport for London
        6. failed to tell the truth about the costs that will be imposed on the community in the Brick lane and Whitechapel London E1 area by Crossrail
        7. has failed to disclose the information about the several alternatives to Crossrail both in terms of the technology and the alignment as well as in terms of the existing infrastructure
          [To be continued]

        8. Why won’t the allegedly anti-Ken Livingstone Daily Mail tell the truth about Crossrail disaster that Livingstone has been crazily promoting?

        9. Why confirm [as the lying Daily Moron Mail has done today, Thursday 23 November 2006] the superficial parts of the criticism of Livingstone and the ever so half-hearted pointing out - very late in the day as it happens on the facts that the racist Daily Mail is too slow to notice and grasp - Livingstone's unfitness for office and the lame references to Livingstone's Olympian lies only? Or is the dirty, lying war-mongering racist Daily Mail unwilling to recognise the truth that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign alone has been telling for the past 3 years of opposition to the CRASSrail project because to recognise the truth that Khoodeelaar! Has been telling about the most widely published [and uniquely originated by Khoodeelaar!] range of analysis pointing out the flaws of Crossrail would expose the limitations of the racist Daily mail in terms of its own journalism, in terms of the Daily mail’s over-rated, overpaid, over-flaunted ‘commentators’ and specialists?? That the racist Daily Mail cannot admit to recognising the power of the truth that Khoodeelaar! has been telling about the vacuity and the wastefulness and the egotistic outrage that has been the ‘Lundone mayor Ken Lyingstill Livingstone’?
        10. Khoodeelaar! legal claims against ken Livingstone – the list of claims which will be published here effective 1800 Hrs GMT Thursday 23 November 2006
        11. Khoodeelaar! Manifesto 2006 Audit of Tower Hamlets |Councillors – Due here later today
        12. Khoodeelaar Manifesto 2006 – Audit of the ‘Tower Hamlets’ MPs – Due here, new series starting Thursday 23 November 2006

        13. Is that another confirmation of the power of telling the truth? How the evil liars join their evil forces and how quickly! The combination of the lying daily Mail, the lying BBC and the lying Guardian setting up the day’s most pressurising propaganda image – Polly Toynbee being raised on a level of the image allowed only to Winston Churchill [ and may be even a heel higher than Churchill, given the neo-fascist and racists godmother, the immoral and the unethically sub-sadistic Polly Toynbee’s grip on the submissive ‘leaders’ across the board of political obscenity that goes for British democratic party political 'reality' and status quo] ---The BBC lying machine is commissioned to go on the overdrive in promoting the evil Guardian and its evil Polly Toynbee within hours of the lying Guardian being exclusively dissected and condemned in the AADHIKARonline on 22 November 2006. How total is the emptiness of the Dire Cameron? And much more in the follow-up edition of the Muhammad Haque Political Commentary on the Evil Guardian, the most pernicious racist propaganda outlet to be found in the English language anywhere – here shortly

    9. Khoodeelaar! legal action against CrossRail hole backer 'London mayor' Ken Livingstone - details of the court claims as filed in the court will be published by Khoodeelaar !and on the associated web sites including on the AADHIKARonline sites this afternoon [Thursday 23 November 2006]
